Peer-Reviewed Publications
Effects of Radiation Pressure on the Evaporative Wind of HD 209458b, Debrecht, A., Carroll-Nellenback, J., Frank, A., Blackman, E. G., Fossati, L., McCann, J., Murray-Clay, R. 2020, MNRAS, accepted (Direct Link)
Associated Movies
Photoevaporative flows from exoplanet atmospheres: a 3D radiative hydrodynamic parameter study, Debrecht, A., Carroll-Nellenback, J., Frank, A., McCann, J., Murray-Clay, R., Blackman, E. G. 2019, MNRAS 483, 1481-1495 (Direct Link)
Associated Movies
Generation of a circumstellar gas disc by hot Jupiter WASP-12b, Debrecht, A., Carroll-Nellenback, J., Frank, A., Fossati, L., Blackman, E. G., Dobbs-Dixon, I. 2018, MNRAS 478, 2592-2598 (Direct Link)
Approaching the quantum limit for nanoplasmonics, Townsend, E., Debrecht, A., Bryant, G. W. 2015, JMatR 30, 2389-2399
ADS | arXiv
Selected Talks
Evolution of Exoplanets: Planetary Winds, Juniata College, October 4, 2020
A Parameter Space Exploration of Planetary Winds, Qualifying Exam
Radiation-Driven Evolution of Exoplanetary Atmospheres, Graduate Student Research Meeting 2018
The Eclipse: Facts, Fun Facts, and Fiction, Ogden Farmers' Library, August 21, 2017